Local joins the ranks of ZAC mining team following completion of internship
Senzokuhle Nene, started his junior primary education at Mfanawendlela CP School near ZAC and completed his matric at Mthunziwoxolo High Stchool, passing with flying colours. However, despite Senzokuhle’s good results, he was unsure how he was going to be able to continue his studies because of a lack of funds.
“In 2005, I started a Security Training Course, which was not what I really wanted to do with my life, but was the only option available to me at that stage. I went on to obtain a SIRA Certificate which made me accredited security guard,” states Senzokuhle. From 2005 to 2011, he worked in North West as a security guard.
During this period, when Senzokuhle came home during the holidays, he would inquire at ZAC about bursaries, learnerships and internship opportunities.
He recounts that in 2012, learnership opportunities were advertised for learner miners at ZAC and he successfully applied. “I was nominated as one of the Learner Miner students at the Colliery Training College, in Emalahleni. After I had completed my training, I was employed in a permanent position as one of the miners at ZAC for which I am very grateful,” says Senzokuhle.
Owendawo usesethimben i le-ZAC ngemuva kokuphuthul a ukuthwasa
USenzokuhle Nene waqala imfundo yakhe yasemazingeni aphansi eMfanawendlela CP School ngase-ZAC, wathola umatikuletsheni eMthunziwoxolo High School, lapho aphasa ngamalengiso khona. Kepha nakuba yayimihle imiphumela kaSenzokuhle, wayengenasiqiniseko sokuthi uzoqhubeka kanjani ngenxa yokweswela imali.
“Ngo-2005 ngenza izifundo zokuba wunogada, okungesiyo into engangihlose ukuyenza, kodwa wukuphela kwento engangingayenza ngaleso sikhathi. Ngathola isitifiketi se-SIRA, okwangenza unogada ogcwele,” kusho uNene. Kusukela ngo-2005 kuya ku-2011 wayewunogada e-North West.
Ngaleyo nkathi uNene wayebuya uma ngamaholidi kanti wayevame ukubuza ngamathuba emifundaze nawokuqeqeshelwa umsebenzi ngaphakathi e-ZAC.
Ukhumbula ukuthi kwathi ngo-2012, kwakhangiswa ngamathuba okuqeqeshelwa umsebenzi e-Learner Miners e-ZAC kanti wafaka isicelo, waphumelela. “Ngaqokwa njengomunye wabafundi base-Learner Miners (ekolishi) i-Colliery Training College Emalahleni. Ngemuva kokuqeda ukuqeqeshwa, ngaqashwa ngokugcwele njengomunye wabasebenzi basemayini e-ZAC, okuyinto engiyibonga kakhulu,” kusho uNene.