Miner Nhlanhla Hlatswayo
Umvukuzi uNhlanhla Hlatshwayo
Nhlanhla rises in the ranks
Nhlanhla Hlatshwayo (29), started his career at ZAC as a Learner Miner before moving to the mine’s Technical Department. He started at the mine in 2019 and has subsequently proceeded to complete his blasting certificate, which he completed in March 2021. He was then moved to the Technical Department in October 2021.
He is appreciative to ZAC for covering all the costs of attaining his Blasting Certificate. Moreover, Nhlanhla highlights that he has learnt a great deal since transitioning from working as a General Miner to a member of the technical team. He holds two degrees a BSc in Mining Engineering and a BSc in Science majoring in Geology and Chemistry from the University of the Witwatersrand.
“I’m getting a lot of experience because we work with different departments, such as Geology, Survey and Engineering. I enjoy spending a lot of time underground and getting to understand how the mine is going and where production is headed,” Nhlanhla states.
Nhlanhla says that his dream is to get his Mine Managers Certificate of Competency (MMC). These certificates are issued to a competent person who can be appointed legally to perform the duties of a Mine Manager at a South African mine as stipulated in the Mine Health and Safety Act.
“ZAC has provided me with a great opportunity and I am so grateful for all that the mine has done for me. It has been a challenging couple of years owing to COVID-19 and the mine having to be placed on care and maintenance for a few months. But currently, I feel like everything is getting back to normal. I’m happy to be part of the team here at ZAC and am looking forward to being part of what comes next,” Nhlanhla enthuses.
Kwenyuka izimendlela kuNhlanhla
UMnu uNnhlanhla Hlatshwayo (29) uqale eZAC njengomumbi wasemayini osafunda ngo-2019, wenza isitifiketi sokuqhumisa, nasiphothule ngoNdasa wezi-2021. Ngo- Okthoba wawo unyaka udluliselwe emnyangweni wezobuchwepheshe.
Ubonge iZAC ngokukhokhela izindleko zezifundo zakhe zesitifiketi sokuqhumisa. Uthe usefunde lukhulu kusukela asuka ekubeni ngumumbi wasemayini waba yingxenye yethimba elibhekelele ezobuchwepheshe. Unezicucu ezimbili, i-BSc in Mining Engineering, neBSc in Science (Geology & Chemistry) azithole eNyuvesi yaseWitwatersrand.
“Ngithola amava amaningi ngoba sisebenza eminyangweni ehlukene njenge-geology, survey ne-engineering. Ngiyakuthokozela ukuchitha isikhathi ngaphansi komhlaba nokuqonda kabanzi ngokusebenza kwemayini nokuthi umkhuqizo ubheke kuphi,” kusho uNhlanhla.
Uthi iphupho lakhe wukuthola iMine Managers Certificate (MMC). Lesi yisitifiketi esinikwa umuntu onamava ongaqashwa ngokusemthwetherni ukwena umsebenzi wemenenja yakunoma yiyiphi imayini eNingizimu Afrika, ngengokusho komthetho iMine Health and Safety Act.
“I-ZAC inginike ithuba eliyingqayizivele futhi ngiyabonga ngakho konke le mayini engenzele khona. Kube yiminyaka enzima le ngenxa yeCOVID-19, nanokuvalwa kwemayini izinyanga ezimbalwa. Kodwa manje ngizwa sengathi izinto sezibuyela esimweni esejwayelekile. Ngiyathokoza ukuba yingxenye yethimba la eZAC futhi ngilangazelele okulandelayo,” kusho uNhlanhla ngenjabulo.