SGS Labs Operations Manager Willem Pieterse and Menar’s COO for Anthracite Bradley Hammond with the Ubuhle Bekhona Lamazulu Traditional Dancing Group during the 2021 ZAC Golf Day
I-Operations Manager yase-SGS Labs, uMnu uWillem Pieterse ne-COO yase-Menar Anthracite, uMnu uBradley Hammond benanamalungu e- Ubuhle Bekhona Lamazulu Traditional Dancing Group ngesikhathi kuyi-2021 ZAC Golf Day
ZAC service provider SGS Labs presents KZN learners with uniforms
The ZAC Annual Golf Day’s spirit of kindness was in full force during the event’s 2021 edition and will certainly continue in 2022. The Golf Day supports local charities and uplifts community members. November 2021 was no different, as ZAC stakeholders came together to enjoy golf while demonstrating their appreciation of community development.
SGS Labs, an inspection and certification company, pledged R25 000 to the Ubuhle Bekhona Lamazulu Traditional Dancing Group to assist its performers to buy new school uniforms. At least 23 members of the group started the 2022 school year on a happy note when ZAC’s Sustainable Development Manager Khumbulani ‘Skorpion’ Masuku and Community Liaison Officer Levy Nyandeni presented the learners with their uniforms on 18 January 2022.
“Education and supporting the youth are important causes for ZAC and our stakeholders. I want to thank SGS for their sustained support of ZAC both in terms of the invaluable services that they provide ZAC with and for their commitment to our social development projects,” remarked Menar COO Anthracite Bradley Hammond.
The Ubuhle group comprises local school learners. The aim of the group is to mentor and uplift its members by developing their talent and empowering them through performing traditional dances.
The group entertained staff members at ZAC in October 2021 when the mine hosted a celebration for achieving a 5 000 fatality-free shifts milestone. ZAC’s employees so thoroughly enjoyed the group’s performance that it brought them back to entertain participants at the 2021 ZAC Golf Day, where they again performed several traditional Zulu dance routines.
Inkampani esebenza ngaphansi kweZAC, iSGS Labs, inikela ngomfaniswano kubafundi base KZN.
Umoya we-Golf Day yaseZAC ubuvunguza ngomcimbi wango-2021 kanti nakanjani uzoqhubeka nangoLwezi wezi-2021 ubungehlukile njengoba abalingani beZAC behlanganyele ukudlala igalofu ngenkathi bekhombisa uthando lwabo lwentuthuko yomphakathi. I-SGS Labs, inkampani ehlolayo bese ikhipha izitifiketi, ithembise ukunikela ngo-R25 000 kwi-Ubuhle Bekhona Lamazulu Tradional Dancing Group, ukusiza amalungu ayo athole umfaniswano wesikole omusha.
Amalungu angu-23 e-Ubuhle Bekhona Lamazulu Tradional Dancing Group, aqale lo nyaka ngesasasa njengoba imenenja yeSustainable Development, e-ZAC, uMnu uKhumbulani “Skorpion” Masuku noMnu uLevy Nyandeni oyi-Community Liason Officer, benikelela abafundi ngomfaniswano mhla we-18 kuMasingana.
“Imfundo nokweseka intsha yizinto ezibalulekile kakhulu kwi-ZAC nabanye esisebenzisana nabo. Ngifisa ukubonga iSGS ngokuxhasa kwabo iZAC ngezinsiza ezibaluleke kakhulu, kanjalo nokuzinikela kwabo kukho konke esikwenzayo ukuthuthukisa umphakathi,” kubeka iCOO yeMenar Anthracite, uMnu uBradley Hammond.
I-Ubuhle Bekhona Lamazulu Dancing Group, yakhiwe ngamalungu angabafundi. Inhloso yaleli qembu ukucija nokufukula amalungu ayo, ngokukhulisa ikhono lawo nokuwaphakamisa, kusetshenziswa imidanso yesintu.
Leli qembu linandise kwachazeka amalungu e-ZAC ngoMfumfuwezi-2021, ngesikhathi imayini inomcimbi lapho ibigubha khona ukusebenza izikhawu ezingu-5 000 kungekho olimalile noma odlule emhlabeni.
I-ZAC yachazeka ngendlela iqembu elenza ngayo, nokuyikona okwenze ukuthi balibuyise ukuthi lizophinde linandise kwi-ZAC Golf Day ka-2021, nokuyilapho eliphinde lakhombisa khona imidanso ehlukene yesintu.
ZAC Sustainable Development Manager Khumbulani ‘Skorpion’ Masuku presents members of the Ubuhle Bekhona Lamazulu Traditional Dancing Group with new school uniforms
Imenenja ye-Sustainable Development eZAC, uMnu uKhumbulani ‘Skorpion’ Masuku enikela ngomfaniswano wesikole kumalungu e-Ubuhle Bekhona Lamazulu Traditional Dancing Group